Sunday, February 16, 2020

Ebola Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ebola - Essay Example Such an observation allows the authors to focus on the magnitude of risks associated with the eventual adoption of the measures that may be suggested to mitigate the possibilities of an outbreak in the region. The authors proceed to further mention of the cases that have been diagnosed within the American soil. The preparedness of the city is further weighed against that of regions such as texas, which have already registered possible outbreaks of the disease. The authors are keen to outline that the prospective address of the disease from findings its way to the communities in New York remains best considered under the description of collective efforts. In an effort that remains related towards the harmonization of the medical facilities in the city, the authors seek to consolidate the respective outfits of healthcare that are related to the city and harmonize them towards developing a steady outfit that aims at addressing the virus. In that effect, the authors propose the possible avenues upon which the detection and subsequent control of an outbreak may be considered. Their work does not place into consideration the possible effects that may be related to animals vectors. The focus is oriented on the human patients that traffic into New York from the various infected areas. Such allows for the description of their proposals as being narrowed on the control of human to human transmissions. Additionally, the prospective process of EVD detection has been mentioned intensely in their work. It is further argued that the adoption of a functional detection systems remains the ideal path upon which the address of the ailment is considered. The authors proceed to make references to experiences registered in the address of the disease in other regions. Their attention is oriented on the plight of eighty-eight patients that were being screened of the disease, with the aim of gathering the required experience

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Surreal (subject is hair and make up) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Surreal (subject is hair and make up) - Essay Example This unorthodox artistic style is applied to a perception of how hair trends may be in the future, but the distortion and exaggeration incorporated into the hair style is an attempt to drive the viewer beyond what is traditional and familiar. The viewer’s sentiment may range anywhere from surprise or delight, to perplexity and even confusion, and in the extreme even a strong dislike or disgust. This type of artistic style is disturbing to many, and not a few will decide that they find it unacceptable and for being vulgar and boorish. Many famous artists are not appreciated during their lifetimes; their creations are mocked and derided, and this is not difficult to imagine in the case of Modigliani and other avant-garde artists. People could not understand the artist’s vision and his concept of reality, at least during his lifetime, because contemporaries are exposed to the same environment, and being exposed to the same context, the normal expectation is to perceive things in the same context. However, a good artist is ahead of his time, and he sees things beyond the context of his contemporaries. In most cases, visionary art is ignored during the artist’s lifetime, but appreciated by succeeding generations, so it is only after the artist’s death and when many of his works have been destroyed, lost or scattered, that the pieces of art become valued, even priceless. It is thus a pity that while the artist lives, his philosophy conveyed through his art and lifestyle are lost to oblivion, only to resurface later on and accorded the value it truly deserves. It is this timeless element of Modigliani’s distortion and exaggeration that I wish to capture and translate to a fashion statement for the future. The distortion and exaggeration works to enhance that element in the artist’s vision that escapes and is lost to the everyday observer, and the emphasis is to draw the ordinary person’s