Friday, May 8, 2020

Assessment of Into the Wild Essay - 828 Words

Assessment of Into the Wild Although precisely on target in his assessment of Chris McCandless being in touch with the bare-bones essence of nature, Gordon Youngs preceding description of Chris should be rephrased: A profoundly Un-American figure, uncompromising in his approach and thoroughly optimistic about the future. For Chris McCandless did not set out to show or prove his American character. Neither does he approve or want to exemplify a true modern American character, because true American character does not seek solitude, preferring the saddle to the streetcar, or the star-sprinkled sky to a roof, or, especially, the obscure and difficult trail, leading into the unknown, to any paved highway and the deep place of†¦show more content†¦If one cannot find an identity--his true self-- here, he will never find it. It is an interesting concept, nature and freedom. For nature allows us to escape from our time--our societal-imposed schedule, our time clock and switch to natures clock--an interesting concept, for, if anything, it restricts us in many different ways: sundown signifies sleep and cold, rain shows us unavoidable wetness and misery, and dawn is a time of awakening. Thus, in some ways, it is a restriction. Spiritually, however, it is a freedom through connection with nature--going at natures pace, at a NATURAL pace, not at our own artificially-created, societal-imposed pace. Nature also signifies another sort of intellectual freedom: the freedom to be yourself, the freedom from having to play a role. And in this way, nature is an ultimate test: without the cell phones and guns, the air conditioning and gasoline-powered conveniences,Show MoreRelatedHr Assessment 2 Escape to the Wild1695 Words   |  7 PagesHR Assessment – Task 2 Outcomes 2 3 Escape to the Wild Report To ensure Escape to the Wild’s continued successful and profitable expansion, the Managing Director has expressed his wish for the company to take on a more Strategic approach to the way it recruits trains and promotes its employees. To implement this new strategic approach a human resource function should be introduced. The following describes four activities the human resource function will undertake in order to supportRead MoreOcean Problem : My Solution1732 Words   |  7 Pagescan produce mass amounts of food much faster than possible in the natural ocean ecosystem. 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